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MAD由中国建筑师马岩松于2004年建立, 通过建筑与自然的对话,以人的情感与精神需求为出发点,将源于东方传统的“融情于景”带入设计之中,致力于提出新的建筑想象。MAD的建筑实践连接着远古与未来,通过时空错置的空间环境触动人的情绪与感知,让人、自然和历史产生更加深刻的内在连结。
MAD currently has offices in Beijing, Los Angeles, Rome and Jiaxing. Over 100 talented, passionate and creative Madders from all over the world are having architecture practices in Americas, Europe and Asia. Our projects include the Harbin Opera House, the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, the Quzhou Sports Campus and the Absolute Towers in Mississauga.
For our growing Beijing office, we are looking for talents of all levels of experience to join our teams on ambitious projects. As an integral part of our international practice, you will be contributing actively to the development of MAD.
马岩松 / 中国知名建筑师、MAD创始人以及合伙人
Ma Yansong / Prominent Chinese architect, Founder and partner of MAD
Beijing-born architect Ma Yansong is recognized as an important voice in the new generation of architects. He is the first Chinese architect to win an overseas landmark-building project. As the founder of MAD Architects, Ma leads design across various scales, with the vision to create a new balance among society, the city, and the environment through architecture. Since designing the “Floating Island” in 2002, Ma has been exploring the ideal future of living through international practices. At MAD, Ma has created a series of imaginative works, including Absolute Towers, Harbin Opera House, Hutong Bubbles, Chaoyang Park Plaza, Quzhou Sports Park, and Yiwu Grand Theater. In 2014, Ma was selected as the principal designer for the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art, which made him the first Chinese architect to design an overseas culture landmark. Parallel to his design practice, he also explores the cultural values of cities and architecture through domestic and international solo exhibitions, publications, and art works.
2006年,马岩松获得纽约建筑联盟青年建筑师奖。2008年,他被ICON杂志评选为“全球20位最具影响力青年设计师”之一。Fast Company杂志先后评选他为“2009年全球建筑界最具创造力10人”之一以及“2014年全球商界最具创造力100人”之一。2010年,英国皇家建筑师协会(RIBA)授予他RIBA国际院士。2014年他被世界经济论坛评选为“2014世界青年领袖”。
In 2006, Ma was awarded the “Young Architects Award” by the Architectural League of New York. In 2008 he was selected as one of the “20 Most Influential Young Architects” by ICON magazine. Fast Company named him one of the “10 Most Creative People in Architecture in 2009” and one of the “100 Most Creative People in Business in 2014.” In 2010 he received the “RIBA International Fellowship”. In 2014 he was awarded “Young Global Leaders (YGL)” by the World Economic Forum.
马岩松曾就读于北京建筑工程学院(现北京建筑大学),后毕业于美国耶鲁大学(Yale University)并获硕士学位。他曾于清华大学、北京建筑大学和美国南加州大学任客座教授。
Ma holds a Bachelor’s degree from the Beijing Institute of Civil Engineering and Architecture, and holds a Master’s Degree in Architecture from Yale University. He has been an adjunct professor at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Tsinghua University, and the University of Southern California.
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