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Tadao Ando Architect & Associates是一家位于日本大阪的建筑设计事务所,由著名建筑师安藤忠雄创立于1969年。安藤忠雄事务所以其独特而富有创意的建筑设计而闻名,融合了现代主义和日本传统建筑的元素,注重空间与自然的关系,以简约、几何和清晰的线条表达建筑美学。
Tadao Ando Architect & Associates is an architectural design firm based in Osaka, Japan, founded by renowned architect Tadao Ando in 1969. The firm is renowned for its unique and creative architectural designs, combining elements of modernism and traditional Japanese architecture. It emphasizes the relationship between space and nature, expressing architectural aesthetics through simplicity, geometry, and clear lines.
Tadao Ando Architect & Associates的作品遍布全球,包括博物馆、艺术中心、教育机构、商业建筑、住宅和宗教建筑等多个领域。其作品以其独特的空间感、精湛的细节处理和对自然光的巧妙运用而备受赞誉。安藤忠雄事务所的设计理念强调与环境的和谐共生,追求创造具有灵感和意义的建筑作品。
The works of Tadao Ando Architect & Associates span globally, including museums, art centers, educational institutions, commercial buildings, residences, and religious structures. Their works are highly acclaimed for their distinctive spatial qualities, exquisite attention to detail, and skillful use of natural light. The design philosophy of Tadao Ando Architect & Associates emphasizes harmonious coexistence with the environment, aiming to create inspirational and meaningful architectural works.
Tadao Ando Architect & Associates的建筑作品曾获得多项国际奖项和认可,包括普利兹克建筑奖(Pritzker Architecture Prize),被公认为建筑界最高荣誉之一。他的作品对于现代建筑的发展和影响具有重要意义,他的设计理念和创造力为建筑界树立了新的标杆。
The architectural works of Tadao Ando Architect & Associates have received numerous international awards and recognition, including the prestigious Pritzker Architecture Prize, considered one of the highest honors in the field of architecture. His works have had significant significance in the development and influence of modern architecture, setting new benchmarks in the industry through his design philosophy and creativity.
安藤忠雄 / 日本建筑大师、Tadao Ando Architect & Associates创始人
Tadao Ando / Japanese architectural master, Founder of Tadao Ando Architect & Associates
安藤忠雄于1941年出生,1969年在他的故乡大阪创立了他的建筑公司——安藤忠雄建筑事务所(Tadao Ando Architect & Associates)。他完全是凭借自学成才,他的建筑理念源于与自然的紧密联系,将国际现代主义与日本传统美学相结合。在他的设计中,他以流畅的混凝土结构闻名,这些结构与他对空间和光线的敏感相互融合,就像光线本身在著名的混凝土形式中舞动一样。他的风格受到宗教的极大影响,尤其是禅宗,注重简约和内在感受,而非外在表象。
Tadao Ando was born in 1941 and in 1969, he established his architectural firm, Tadao Ando Architect & Associates, in his hometown of Osaka. He is entirely self-taught and his architectural philosophy is rooted in a close connection with nature, combining international modernism with Japanese traditional aesthetics. He is renowned for his fluid concrete structures, which seamlessly integrate with his sensitivity to space and light, resembling the dance of light itself within his iconic concrete forms. His style is greatly influenced by religion, particularly Zen Buddhism, emphasizing simplicity and inner experience rather than external appearances.
在他的职业生涯中,安藤忠雄获得了许多奖项和荣誉,包括1995年的普利兹克建筑奖、1996年的第八届高松宫殿下纪念世界文化奖和2002年的美国建筑师协会金奖。他的代表作包括:《光之教堂》(1989年,日本大阪)、普利策艺术基金会(2001年,美国圣路易斯)、地中美术馆(2004年,日本直岛)、21_21Design Sight(2007年,日本东京)和Bourse de Commerce—Pinault Collection(2020年,法国巴黎)。
Throughout his career, Tadao Ando has received numerous awards and honors, including the 1995 Pritzker Architecture Prize, the 8th Kancho Memorial World Cultural Award in 1996, and the American Institute of Architects Gold Medal in 2002. His notable works include the Church of the Light (1989, Osaka, Japan), the Pulitzer Arts Foundation (2001, St. Louis, USA), the Benesse Art Site Naoshima (2004, Naoshima, Japan), 21_21 Design Sight (2007, Tokyo, Japan), and the Bourse de Commerce—Pinault Collection (2020, Paris, France).
Tadao Ando also has an extensive career in architectural education. He has served as a visiting professor at Yale University, Columbia University, and Harvard University, and became a professor at the University of Tokyo in 1997.
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